Why are there 2 Genesis creation stories? Is Adam's first wife Lilith? Is God's name YHWH pronounced YeHiWaiHi?


This is the transcript to my Youtube video with the same title.


Genesis 2: 1-3 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God [Hebrew: ’ĕ·lō·hîm] ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.

Genesis 2: 4 These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day [Hebrew: yō·wm] that the Lord God [Hebrew: YHWH ’ĕ·lō·hîm] made the earth and the heavens,

In Genesis 2: 1-3 it is very clear that God, or Elohim, ended the work of creation on the seventh day. And according to Genesis 1 this work started on the first day. Thus, it is believed that Elohim took six days to create everything. But why does Genesis 2: 4 say that YHWH Elohim created the earth and the heavens in just one day  [Hebrew: yō·wm]?  

By the way, the Hebrew word for days or the plural of yō·wm is yā·mîm and was used in Genesis 1: 14. So there really is no reason or excuse for Genesis 2: 4 to use yō·wm (which means a single day) if it really wanted to say days or yā·mîm to tell us that the creation work lasted for more than one day.

Now before I proceed, let me emphasize that the length of the six days of creation as well as the seventh day of rest refers to the period of time observed when measuring the pulsating primordial Light that kept turning on and off. This primordial Light which was created on the first day of creation (see Genesis 1:3-5is not the 24 hour light of the rising and setting Sun that was created much later on the fourth day (see Genesis 1: 14-19). 

In my opinion, this primordial Light was the Shekhinah that was produced when the Spirit of God (in the form of gas or God’s breath) plunged or baptized itself in the watery deep of the formless primordial earth while Elohim spoke the words “Let there be Light”. 

This phenomenon is called by scientists as Sonoluminescence, or the emission of a pulsating light from imploding gas bubbles in a liquid when excited by sound. The Bible did not tell us how long the pulsation period of the Shekhinah Light was during the six days of creation and it is not for me to speculate on this subject. However, I will be referring to the seven “days” of creation as the seven epochs of creation instead from this point onwards. 

Each epoch of creation is divided into two parts, namely the evening part when the Shekinah Light is off, and the morning part when the Shekinah Light is on. Now notice that unlike the previous six epochs of creation when the evening and morning parts of those epochs were clearly stated to have transpired, there was no mention at all of the evening and morning parts of the seventh epoch having already finished.

So who is YHWH Elohim mentioned in Genesis 2 and how is He different from Elohim mentioned in Genesis 1?  For one, according to Genesis 1: 27, Elohim is both male and female, and I quote “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them” end of quote. This is why the word “Elohim” is in Hebrew grammar, plural in construct. In contrast, YHWH in Hebrew grammar is specifically singular and masculine. So clearly, YHWH Elohim is the masculine side of Elohim.

By the way, I believe YHWH is properly pronounced as ye·hî wai·hî which was used in Genesis 1: 3 to mean “Let there be… and there was”. This calls to mind what Paul said about God in Romans 4: 17  which says that “God … calls into being things that were not”. Note also that ye·hî is often used as prefix in many Hebrew theophoric names like Yehishua which literally means “Let there be salvation”.

Now while Genesis 2: 1-3 tells us that Elohim, that is, both its male and female sides, rested in the seventh epoch, it did not actually tell us that Elohim were able to complete their rest for the entirety of the evening or morning part of the seventh epoch. This is because as I said earlier, the Bible did not actually report that the evening and morning parts of the seventh epoch had already passed. And I believe YeHiWaiHi Elohim, or the male Elohim, ended His rest prematurely and resumed His work of creation sometime during the seventh epoch for a very grievous reason. This calls to mind what Christ said about the Father when Christ was defending himself after being condemned for performing a miracle during Sabbath:

John 5: 16-17 So, because Jesus was doing these things on the Sabbath, the Jewish leaders began to persecute him. In his defense Jesus said to them, “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.” 

Now allow me to express what I think happened during the seventh epoch, and later on I will provide scriptural proofs. Shortly before Elohim started their rest, Elohim gave Adam dominion over all creation, and this of course included the mightier angels:

Psalm 8: 4-6 What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honor. Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet:

Sometime after Elohim already started resting, Satan and his angels rebelled against Adam and actually succeeded in killing Adam and turning him into dust. This ignited a destructive battle between Satan and his angels versus Michael and Michael’s angels who remained loyal to Elohim and the slain Adam. As a result of this battle, a near extinction level event occurred on Earth which required YeHiWaiHi Elohim to end His rest abruptly so He can restore some of His former creations that were destroyed. All of these events happened during the seventh epoch. And as I promised earlier, allow me now to provide scriptural proofs for my theories.

The Genesis 1 creation story tells us that herbs and trees were created in the third epoch while Adam was created in the sixth epoch:

Genesis 1: 11-13 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, and it was so… and God saw that it was good. And the evening and the morning were the third day.


Genesis 1: 26-31 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image”… God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day.

Now compare this to the Genesis 2 creation story about the herbs, the trees, and Adam:

Genesis 2: 4-7 (NKJV) This is the history of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God [Hebrew: YeHiWaiHi Elohim] made the earth and the heavens, before any plant of the field was in the earth and before any herb of the field had grown. For the Lord God had not caused it to rain on the earth, and there was no man to till the ground; but a mist went up from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground. And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.

The Genesis 2 creation story is telling us that plants and herbs cannot grow until Adam was formed first. This is because YeHiWaiHi Elohim had not caused it to rain on the earth and someone needed to till the ground so that the mist which went up from the earth and watered the face of the ground can reach the roots of the plants and herbs that were located deep under the ground. 

This story is so different from the Genesis 1 creation story where it says Elohim created the herbs and the trees on the third epoch without precondition and long before Elohim created Adam on the sixth epoch. In other words, the order of creation of the herbs, plants, trees, and Adam is totally different between Genesis 1 and Genesis 2.

While Genesis 2: 4-7 did not mention fruit bearing trees, it is quite obvious that if plants and herbs cannot grow without someone tilling the ground, then how much more so in the case of trees? And this is proven by the following verses in the Genesis 2 creation story:

Genesis 2: 8-9 The Lord God  [Hebrew: YeHiWaiHi Elohim] planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there He put the man whom He had formed. And out of the ground the Lord God made every tree grow that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. The tree of life was also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

If we are to interpret these verses according to the order of the Genesis 2 narrative, then after YeHiWaiHi Elohim formed Adam in Eden, He then planted a garden eastward in Eden where he later transferred Adam. Thus, the planting of the trees in the garden happened after Adam was already formed and not before. 

Another thing to ponder is this: why does the garden have to be planted eastward in Eden, instead of in Eden itself where Elohim formed Adam from the dust of its ground? My answer to this question is that: Adam was killed by Satan and turned into dust via a radioactive explosion that rendered Eden incapable of producing trees and vegetation for quite a while.  

Now it takes years to harvest fruit from newly planted trees, while plants take months and herbs take several weeks before they can be harvested. So what was Adam’s sustenance right after he was formed when there were yet no herbs, plants, or trees to eat from? The answer was, according to the Genesis 2 creation story, when Adam was formed from the dust of the ground and was given the breath of life coming directly from the mouth of YeHiWaiHi Elohim, Adam didn’t need sustenance to survive. Adam only needed to breathe air to continue living. This is why Genesis 2: 7 (KJV) described this new form of Adam as a “living soul”, or a self-sustaining being. Furthermore, this calls to mind what both Moses and Christ said and I quote “that man doth not live by bread only, but by everything that proceedeth out of the mouth of YeHiWaiHi doth man live” end of quote.

Note that Genesis 2: 7 used the word yaw-tsar' (which means to fashion or frame) when describing what YeHiWaiHi Elohim did to Adam in the seventh epoch. Contrast this to the word baw-raw' (meaning to create) which is what Genesis 1: 27 used  in describing what Elohim did to Adam in the sixth epoch. In other words, Elohim created Adam in the sixth epoch, while YeHiWaiHi Elohim only refashioned or reframed Adam with a self-sustaining body in the seventh epoch of creation.

Also, since Adam was not created a “living soul” or a self-sustaining being in the sixth epoch, it was necessary for Elohim to create the herbs and the trees way ahead in the third epoch so that the original Adam of Genesis 1 will have sustenance as soon as he is created in the sixth epoch. Now the herbs, plants, and trees were not the only ones totally destroyed and needed restoration when the destructive war between Satan and Michael occurred in the seventh epoch. All the beasts on the ground were totally destroyed as well.

Genesis 2: 18-19 And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. 

Again, if we are to interpret these verses according to the order of the Genesis 2 narrative, then every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air were formed out of the ground long after Adam received the breath of life from YeHiWaiHi Elohim as mentioned in Genesis 2: 7. This is so different from the Genesis 1 narrative where it says all winged fowls were created in the fifth epoch, and that all the beasts, cattles, and creeping things were created before Adam was created during the sixth epoch, see Genesis 1: 20-31.

The only way to explain the difference in the order of the narrative between Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 is to conclude that during the seventh epoch of creation, a near extinction level event occurred that necessitated for Adam to be resurrected from the dust that he became and be refashioned into a self sustaining being so he can survive long enough until some selected herbs, plants, trees, beasts, cattles, creeping things, and fowls that were destroyed are restored for Adam to take care of.

Now the original version of Adam that was created by Elohim during the sixth epoch has both a male and female form - see Genesis 1: 27. And yet, the Adam that was resurrected from dust and refashioned by YeHiWaiHi Elohim during the seventh epoch was only male. So what happened to the female form of Adam that was created during the sixth epoch?

Lilith is a female figure in Mesopotamian and Judaic mythology, theorized to be the first wife of Adam. In the 13th-century writings of Isaac ben Jacob ha-Cohen, Lilith left Adam after she had coupled with the archangel Samael. I believe this interbreeding between the sixth epoch female form of Adam, or Lilith, with the archangel Samael, created a new species of humans that were  different from the children of the sixth epoch Adam with his wife Lilith.

Also, when the sixth epoch Adam was resurrected and refashioned into the seventh epoch Adam, his sixth epoch DNA that was extracted from his dust, I believe, was mixed with a fresh seventh epoch DNA to make him a self-sustaining being. Eve, who was built using one of Adam’s ribs (or sides, depending on translation), was, in my opinion, made entirely of this fresh seventh epoch DNA given to the resurrected Adam.

Thus, in my interpretation of the Genesis creation story, there are at least 3 different sources of DNA for the human genome, namely, the sixth epoch DNA of the original Adam and his first wife Lilith, the alien DNA coming from the archangel Samael who interbred with Lilith, and finally the seventh epoch DNA of the resurrected Adam and his second wife Eve, listed in the order of their emergence.

Surprisingly, scientists came to the conclusion that modern humans have DNA coming from 3 primary sources, namely, the Denisovans, the Neanderthals, and the Homo sapiens, which I listed in the order of their emergence. And this is because according to them, interbreeding between these three species of humans happened multiple times. It is interesting to note that the more ancient Neanderthals had a more robust build and considerably larger brain cases than the modern human average of Homo sapiens.

Many theologians believe that the Genesis account of creation cannot be reconciled with modern science cosmology. I believe otherwise, and in fact, in my opinion, modern science has only recently caught up with the Bible and is actually saying now what Genesis has been saying more than a thousand years ago about cosmology. Allow me to explain further.

Los Angeles Times, “Water on Earth predates the solar system and even the Sun” by Deborah Netburn, dated September 26, 2014: Some of the water molecules in your drinking glass were created more than 4.5 billion years ago, according to new research. That makes them older than the Earth, older than the solar system — even older than the sun itself.

Is this recent scientific discovery supported by the Genesis cosmology? In Genesis 1: 2, the primordial Earth was described as without form, and void, and made up of deep waters. Also, we are told that the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters to continuously stir the finely dissolved solid particles mixed in it. This was during the first epoch. In Genesis 1: 6-8, the Bible says that in the second epoch of creation, God divided these deep waters into two portions, separated by a firmament which God called “shaw-mah'-yim”. This firmament will later become the abode of the stars, as well as the other planets and their moons. 

The scattering of the deep waters when they were divided across the firmament is the Bible’s explanation as to why the primordial waters that are older than the solar system can be found elsewhere in the universe, and not just on Earth. Also as a side note, the making of a firmament that divided the deep waters into two parts and separated by a vast space big enough to be the abode of all the stars in the universe, corresponds in my opinion to the cosmic inflation theorized by scientists that says a faster than light exponential expansion of space happened in the early universe.

In Genesis 1: 9-13, we are told that God separated the deep waters left behind on Earth from the finely dissolved solid particles mixed in it to allow dry land to appear.The filtered waters that were gathered together in one place were then called “yawm”, which is commonly translated as “Seas”. This happened in the third epoch of creation. 

Finally, in Genesis 1: 14-19, we are told that God made all the stars, as well as all the other planets and their moons in the fourth epoch of creation. Thus, according to Genesis, the primordial “Seas” on our planet pre-existed not just the solar system, but all the galaxies of the entire universe as well.

Now earlier in this video I talked about the primordial Light that was created in the first epoch of creation. This Light preceded the creation of the stars in the universe by three epochs. But does modern cosmology agree with the existence of Light in the universe long before the first stars were formed? According to the European Space Agency website, the Cosmic Microwave Background (abbreviated as CMB) is the cooled remnant of the first light that could ever travel freely throughout the Universe. This 'fossil' radiation, which was discovered by chance only in 1965, was released soon after the 'Big Bang'. Over time, this primeval light has cooled and weakened considerably; and nowadays we detect it in the microwave domain. 

Now if one looks at a chart of the evolution of the observable part of the universe from the Big Bang, with the CMB afterglow as the starting time of reference, one can see that the first stars in the universe were theorized to have formed about 400 million years after the primordial Light of the CMB first lit up the entire universe. However, other scientists from Yale University have recently lowered their estimates and are now saying that and I quote “Computer simulations show that the first stars should have appeared between 100 million and 250 million years after the big bang” end of quote. 

Now regardless of the timing of events, one can clearly see that the sequence of events between the appearance of the primordial Light and the formation of the first stars in the universe is in total agreement with what the cosmology according to Genesis said more than a thousand years ago. And as a final note, let me say that: while modern cosmology and Bible cosmology have many things in agreement, modern cosmology has yet to fully reconcile itself with the far advanced knowledge written in Genesis.


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