Exodus Route - The Desert of Sin, where God first rained down Manna, is the desert east of Medina


Watch the whole Youtube video “Exodus route 2 - Locating Mount Sinai, the Desert of Sin, Rephidim & the Desert of Paran”.


In my previous video titled “Exodus route 1 Locating the Red sea crossing, Pi Hahiroth, Migdol, Baal Zephon, Shur, Marah, & Elim'', I identified Pi Hahiroth which is translated by the Strong’s concordance as both “mouth of the gorges'' or "place where sedge grows'' as the Rawayah Lagoon in the middle of Dungunab Bay. I identified Migdol, which the Strong’s concordance translates as “tower” or a fortified city on the Egyptian border, as Semna, a fortified city founded during the Twelfth Dynasty of Egypt in the area of Lower Nubia

I identified Baal Zephon, translated by Strong’s concordance as "lord of the north", as the idol of the storm and rain god Hubal inside the Kaaba in Mecca. I identified the desert of Shur as the southeast desert road from Jeddah towards Marwa in Mecca. I identified the Biblical Marah as Marwah near where the well named Zamzam in Mecca is located. Finally I identified Elim where there were twelve springs and seventy palm trees as a place in Saudi Arabia called Yanbu Al-Nakhal (which literally means “the spring of the palms”).

Exodus 16: 1 The whole Israelite community set out from Elim and came to the Desert of Sin, which is between Elim and Sinai.

To identify the Desert of Sin properly, one needs to know about rain shadows. A rain shadow is a patch of land that has been forced to become a desert because mountain ranges blocked rainy weather. On one side of the mountain, wet weather systems drop rain and snow. On the other side of the mountain, the rain shadow side, all that precipitation is blocked. In the case of Yanbu, bordered in the west by the Red Sea and bordered in the east by a mountain range, this side is where wet weather systems drop rain, therefore forming an oasis. On the east side of the mountain range is the rain shadow where all precipitation is blocked. This eastern side is where the Desert of Sin is located, and where the God of Israel first rained down manna, the bread from heaven - see Exodus 16.


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