Gihon and Pison rivers & Havilah the land of GOLD, located!

In my previous video titled “The Garden of Eden was in the Black Sea! Biblical and Geological proofs provided!” dated August 24, 2019, I identified in detail the ancient Gihon river and its entire course. I showed in that video that the head or source of the Gihon started from the Bosporus submarine canyon located southwest of the Black Sea. 

Now an early and obvious theory of submarine canyon formation was that some of them present today, were carved during glacial times when sea level was about 125 meters below present sea level, and that rivers flowed to the edge of the continental shelf.

From the Bosporus submarine canyon, the Gihon river continued its southwards course, part of which is now currently submerged at the Marmara Sea, then the Aegean Sea, and then the Levantine Sea.

It is interesting to note that just very recently, scientists have discovered a giant ancient river system the size of the Nile submerged under the eastern Mediterranean Sea, otherwise known as the Levantine Sea. They called this ancient river, Nahr Menashe. And in my opinion, this discovery proves beyond any doubt that a portion of the Gihon river once flowed there when the sea level of the Mediterranean was much lower and its seabed was much higher:

Ancient River Discovery Confirms Mediterranean Nearly Dried Up in the Miocene By Mara Johnson-Groh, dated March 25, 2019:

A giant abandoned river system the size of the Nile was recently discovered under the eastern Mediterranean. The ancient river flowed for only about 100,000 years … when a diminished Mediterranean Sea was isolated from the Atlantic Ocean.

“In order for there to be a huge river system…the Mediterranean [basin] would have had to be exposed to a fair amount,” says lead author Andrew Madof, a geologist at Chevron Energy Technology Company in Houston. “Maybe 75 to 80 percent [of the Mediterranean Sea] was dried out, but there was probably a lake that this river system was flowing into.”

“People have predicted that [rivers] should have been flowing into this part of the Mediterranean [Sea], but nobody had ever seen it before,” Madof says. “This is the first major discovery [of a paleoriver] in decades.”


From the submerged portion of the Gihon river at the eastern Mediterranean or Levantine Sea, the Gihon connected with the Litani river; which used to flow eastwards and got connected with the 2 main tributaries of the Jordan River, namely the Hasbani and Banias Rivers. 

However the current flow of the Litani river was reversed, and is now westwards towards the Levantine Sea instead. And this is due to thrusting at the Mount Lebanon Thrust (abbreviated MLT in the map) which caused the coastline where the Litani connects with the Levantine Sea to rise higher. Because remember, rivers always flow from higher elevation to lower elevation.

Now submerged beneath the Jordan river is the Jordan Rift Valley, which is an elongated depression located in modern-day Israel and Jordan. This geographic region includes the entire length of the Jordan River – from its sources at the Hasbani and Banias Rivers, through the Hula Valley, the Sea of Galilee, all the way to the Dead Sea, and then continues through the Gulf of Aqaba whose shorelines it incorporates, until finally reaching the Red Sea.

Now submerged under the Red Sea is the Red Sea Rift, a spreading center between two tectonic plates, the African Plate and the Arabian Plate. It extends from the Dead Sea Transform fault system (also sometimes referred to as the Dead Sea Rift), and ends at the East African Rift. 

The East African Rift is an active continental rift zone in East Africa. The rift, a narrow zone, is a developing divergent tectonic plate boundary where the African Plate is in the process of splitting into two tectonic plates, called the Somali Plate and the Nubian Plate. The East African Rift transects through Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Zambia, Tanzania, Malawi and Mozambique. And all these countries, together with Somalia, comprised the ancient land of Koosh mentioned in Genesis.

At a rate of 6–7 mm annually, and as extension continues, the crustal rupture caused by the East African Rift will occur within 10 million years; wherein the Somali Plate will break off and a new oceanic basin will form. And this is why I believe the East African Rift was that part of the Gihon river mentioned in Genesis 2:13, that bordered the entire land of Koosh.

In the past the East African Rift was considered to be part of a larger Great Rift Valley. And in addition to the East African Rift, the Great Rift Valley is also composed of 3 other rifts, namely, the Red Sea Rift, the Dead Sea Rift, and the Jordan Rift Valley, all of which I have already discussed a while ago.

Thus in my opinion, the Great Rift Valley was that part of the Gihon River that is currently running through both the African plate and the Arabian plate.

Now the part of the Gihon river that is located near the Dead Sea has a tributary whose source or head is located very near (just around 3 km away) from the city of David, and its name is the Nahal Kidron, or Kidron river. Since the Kidron river is a tributary of the Gihon river near the Dead Sea, the Kidron river I believe was the Gihon river referred to in the Bible that is located near Jerusalem. 

And it was also here at the source of the Kidron river where I believe Solomon was anointed king: 

1 Kings 1: 32-35 King David said, “Call in Zadok the priest, Nathan the prophet and Benaiah son of Jehoiada.” When they came before the king,  he said to them: “Take your lord’s servants with you and have Solomon my son mount my own mule and take him down to Gihon. There have Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet anoint him king over Israel. Blow the trumpet and shout, ‘Long live King Solomon!’ Then you are to go up with him, and he is to come and sit on my throne and reign in my place. I have appointed him ruler over Israel and Judah.” 

In a similar manner, note that Christ was baptized and anointed with the Holy Spirit in that part of the Gihon river which is located near the Jordan river.

The word Gihon occurs 6 times in 6 verses in the Hebrew concordance of the King James Version. And in addition to being one of the rivers coming out from the Garden of Eden, and the place where Solomon was anointed King of Israel, the Bible also mentioned how King Hezekiah stopped the course of the Gihon and diverted it westards towards the city of David via a conduit or aqueduct:

2 Kings 20: 20 And the rest of the acts of Hezekiah, and all his might, and how he made a pool, and a conduit, and brought water into the city, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah?

2 Chronicles 32:30 (Holman Christian Standard Bible) This same Hezekiah blocked the outlet of the water of the Upper Gihon and channeled it smoothly downward and westward to the city of David. 

Note that most Bible translations choose to translate 2 Chronicles 32:30 as “west side of the city of David” instead of “westward to the city of David” like how the Holman Christian Standard Bible translated it:

2 Chronicles 32:30 (King James Version) This same Hezekiah also stopped the upper watercourse of Gihon, and brought it straight down to the west side of [Hebrew: Le] the city [Hebrew: `ir] of David. 

The Hebrew word “Le” is a preposition that can be translated as either “to”, “for”, or “of’.  And the reason why most translators chose to translate 2 Chronicles 32:30 as “west side of the city of David” instead of “westward to the city of David'' is because they believe the Gihon mentioned in this verse refers to what is currently known as the Gihon spring. 

The Gihon Spring in the Kidron Valley was the main source of water for the Pool of Siloam in the City of David. 

The Pool of Siloam was a rock-cut pool on the southwestern slope of the City of David. The pool was fed by the waters of the Gihon Spring, carried there by two aqueducts or tunnels, one of which is known as the Siloam tunnel: and is believed to be the one built by Hezekiah and which is mentioned in 2 Chronicles 32:30.

However, excavation work in the tunnel by Ronny Reich of the University of Haifa and Eli Shukron of the Israel Antiquities Authority has cast doubt over the attribution of the Siloam tunnel to the reign of Hezekiah. They believe the evidence points to a date several decades earlier, in the last part of the 9th century or early part of the 8th century BC.

I also agree that the Siloam tunnel, also known as Hezekiah's Tunnel was not the tunnel built by Hezekiah as the following verse clearly shows why what is currently known as the Gihon spring was not the Gihon mentioned in the Bible:

2 Chronicles 33: 14 (New King James Version) After this he [King Manasseh] built a wall outside the City of David on the west side of Gihon, in the valley, as far as the entrance of the Fish Gate; and it enclosed Ophel... 

This verse tells us that King Manasseh built a wall that goes as far as the entrance of the Fish Gate and encloses Ophel, and that this entire wall was located on the west side of the Gihon in the valley. 

Now the problem with the Gihon spring is that it is located south of the Fish Gate and Ophel, and not east like how the Bible describes Gihon. So if the Gihon spring was not the Gihon of the Bible, then where was it? 

2 Chronicles 33: 14 mentioned a valley associated with the Gihon that is located east of the Fish Gate and Ophel. 

This valley was the Kidron Valley, which is between the Temple Mount and the Mount of Olives. It is a dry valley where currently no river flows. 

And unknown to many, this dry valley also connects with the Kidron River and continues east throughout the Judean desert in the West Bank, towards the Dead Sea, as it descends 4,000 feet (or 1,200 m) along its 20-mile (or 32 km) course.

The 2 sources of the Kidron river and their confluent location is where I believe Hezekiah built a diversion dam to stop the upper watercourse of the Gihon as mentioned in 2 Chronicles 32:30. 

Diversion dams are installed to raise the water level of a body of water to allow the water to be redirected. And since the difference in elevation between the higher Kidron Valley and the lower confluent source of the Kidron River is a little more than 500 feet, I estimate that the height of this diversion dam should have been around this value. 

Also, since the confluent source of the Kidron River is around 3 kms away from the Kidron Valley, I estimate that the aqueduct built to connect the diversion dam to the Kidron Valley should have been around this value as well.

Thus, with the construction of this 500 feet tall diversion dam and 3 kms long aqueduct, the fresh water of the Kidron River was diverted from flowing eastwards towards the Dead Sea, to westwards towards the Kidron Valley and near the city of David instead. 

This means that during the time of King Hezekiah and his successor King Manasseh, the Kidron Valley was flowing with fresh water and not dry like it is today. 

And this artificial river was the Gihon mentioned in 2 Chronicles 33: 14 located east of the Fish Gate and of Ophel as well.

Now in addition to the Gihon and Euphrates rivers, and their heads or sources which I already discussed in my previous video titled: “Rivers & Garden of Eden FOUND! The Truth. Biblical and Geological proofs provided!”, Genesis mentioned another river named Pison.

Genesis 2: 11-12 The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold; And the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone.

I believe the Pison river was the Kura-Araks river system that forms an enclosed basin which Genesis called the whole land of Havilah. Of this area, 65 percent is located in the South Caucasus countries, namely: 31.5 percent in Azerbaijan, 18.2 percent in Georgia and 15.7 percent in Armenia. The remaining part is distributed between Iran (19.5 percent of the basin) and Turkey (15.1 percent).

The head or source of the Pison river was the Enguri submarine canyon located at the southeast portion of the Black Sea. 

This canyon was then connected to the Rioni river, which is also the closest river to the Enguri submarine canyon.  

The Rioni river then passes through several of its interconnected river branches before reaching the Kura river (which is also known as the Mtkvari river).

These interconnected river branches are as follows: Kvirila, Dzirula, Chkherimela, Chumateleti (where there is a dried up channel that used to connect it with the Chkherimela river), and finally the Suramula river that connects with the Mtkvari or Kura river.

Thus all 3 rivers that went out of the Garden of Eden, and which I have already discussed in this and my previous video, namely the Gihon, the Euphrates, and the Pison rivers, all had their heads or sources located at the Black Sea. And these heads were the Bosporus, Kzilirmak, and Enguri submarine canyons respectively. 

This is why I came to the conclusion that the entirety of the Black Sea, at the time when the elevation of its seabed was much higher, was in fact the Garden of Eden.

The Kura–Araxes culture or the early trans-Caucasian culture was a civilization that existed from about 4000 BC until about 2000 BC, which has traditionally been regarded as the date of its end; although in some locations it may have disappeared as early as 2600 BC. 

The earliest evidence for this culture is found on the Ararat plain; it spread northward in Caucasus by 3000 BC. The name of the culture is derived from the Kura and Araxes river valleys. The Araxes river is also sometimes called the Aras or the Araks river, while the Kura river is sometimes called the Mtkvari river (which I already mentioned earlier).

In my previous video titled “What year was Adam created? And which years are Sabbatical or Shemitah years?” I mentioned that Adam was created in 4000 BC, and was expelled from the Garden of Eden in 3996 BC. I also mentioned that the great Flood of Noah occurred in 2344 BC.

Did Adam and Eve settle in the land enclosed by the Pison river where there is gold after being expelled from the Garden of Eden? 

In the 3rd millennium B.C., one particular group of mounds of the Kura–Araxes culture is remarkable for their wealth. This was the final stage of this culture's development. These burial mounds are known as the Martqopi period mounds. Those on the left bank of the river Alazani are often 20–25 meters high and 200–300 meters in diameter. They contain especially rich artefacts, such as gold and silver jewelry.

Wikipedia, Gold mining, History: It is impossible to know the exact date that humans first began to mine gold, but some of the oldest known gold artifacts were found in the Varna Necropolis in Bulgaria which is located at the western coastline of the Black Sea. The graves of the necropolis were built between 4700 and 4200 BC, indicating that gold mining could be at least 7000 years old. A group of German and Georgian archaeologists claims the Sakdrisi site in southern Georgia, dating to the 3rd or 4th millennium BC, may be the world's oldest known gold mine.

And this is why I believe the land enclosed by the Pison river and which was occupied by Havilah shortly after the Flood , was located at the Kura-Araks river basin which included Georgia near the Black Sea. The Great Flood of Noah occurred in 2344 BC. Thus any proposed location for the land of Havilah, where gold mining occurred much later than 2344 BC simply cannot be correct. Also, was the disappearance of this culture between 2600 BC and 2000 BC, has to do with the Flood of Noah that occurred in 2344 BC?

After the Flood, the land enclosed by the Pison River was occupied by Havilah, presumably one of the sons of Joktan, who in turn was the son of Eber: an ancestor of the Israelites and the Ishmaelites according to the "Table of Nations" in Genesis 10-11.

And this explains why Ishmael’s descendants chose to settle in the land of Havilah:

Genesis 25: 17-18 And these are the years of the life of Ishmael, a hundred and thirty and seven years: and he gave up the ghost and died; and was gathered unto his people. And they dwelt from Havilah unto Shur, that is before Egypt, as thou goest toward Assyria:

Note that Genesis 25: 18 describes the location of Havilah as being adjacent or close to Shur, Assyria, and Egypt, all of which are located in the Middle East. And this means Havilah must have been in the Middle East as well, and not in the Far East as some people are now claiming just recently. 

Also, notice that even some time after Ishmael’s death, when his descendants settled in the area from Havilah to Shur, and several hundred years before Thutmose III’s reign, the Egyptian empire was said to have already occupied upto a portion of Assyria which became its eastern border.

By the way, I believe Shur refers to the entire Arabian desert, and this means that the descendants of Ishmael dwelt from Havilah unto Shur, or from Havilah until just before the Arabian desert starts in its northernmost border, which is also very near Baghdad.


Now In addition to the Gihon, Euphrates, and Pison rivers, Genesis mentioned yet another river that also went out of the Garden of Eden namely: the Hiddekel river.

Genesis 2: 14 And the name of the third river is Hiddekel: that is it which goeth toward the east of Assyria.

The Hebrew word Hiddekel occurs only 2 times in 2 verses in the Hebrew concordance of the King James Version. In the Septuagint Bible, it was translated in Greek as Tigris.

Currently, the known source of the Tigris river is Lake Hazar. However, I believe the Tigris, or Hiddekel river used to have another source, or head, that is located in the Black Sea just like the other 3 rivers that went out of the Garden of Eden. And I will be discussing this topic in detail in my next video.

In addition, I will also identify in my next video the location of Eden, which was connected to the Garden via a river,  as well as the land of Nod which was located east of Eden, and which according to Genesis was where Cain built a city and named it after his firstborn son Enoch. 

I believe this city was also the city of Atlantis; as well as the city of Dwārakā which Krishna founded. In the Hindu  version of this story, Krishna invoked Vishwakarma, the deity of construction, when he decided to build his new city. However, Vishwakarma says that the task can be completed only if Samudra-dev, the Lord of the sea, provided some land reclaimed from the ocean. 

Shri Krishna worshipped Samudra-dev, who was pleased and gave Krishna an island that rose from the sea measuring 12 yojanas (773 square km), and on that island Vishwakarma built Dwārakā, a "city of gold".


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