
Showing posts from November, 2023

Sothic rise recorded in the Elephantine Stele was on May 23, 1124 BC during Thutmose III's 1st solo year

   This is the transcript of my Youtube video with the same title. The ancient Egyptian calendar was a solar calendar having a fixed 365 days per year. Now the Earth revolves around the Sun at almost exactly 365.256363004 days, and unlike other calendars that have leap years wherein the discrepancy is corrected every certain period of time, the Egyptian calendar does not compensate for the 0.256363004 of a day difference every year. This means the Egyptian New Year is observed one day earlier, or slides back one day, every approximately 4 years. The Sothic cycle is a period of about 1,461 Egyptian calendar years of exactly 365 days each which is equivalent to about 1,460 solar years averaging 365.25 days each. At the end of one complete Sothic cycle, the calendar having 365 days a year - loses enough time that the start of its year, or its New Year, once again coincides with the heliacal rising of Sopdet (Egyptian name) or Sothis (Greek and Latin name) which Egyptologists assoc