Joseph, son of Jacob & Rachel & Vizier of Egypt, was Ankhtifi the Ninth Dynasty nomarch of Nekhen
The following is the transcript to my Youtube video with the same title: Prior to the Exodus, Joseph , son of Jacob and Rachel , became Vizier (the highest official in ancient Egypt to serve the Pharaoh,) under the name of Zaphnath-Paaneah and was given Asenath , the daughter of Potipherah , priest of On , to be his wife. In his famous interpretation of the Pharaoh’s dream, Joseph predicted seven years of abundance followed by seven years of famine happening in Egypt during his time. In the course of the seven years of abundance, Joseph ensured that the storehouses were full and that all produce was weighed. In the sixth year, Asenath bore two children to Joseph: Manasseh and Ephraim . When the famine came, it was so severe that people from surrounding nations came to Egypt to buy bread. As a last resort, all of the inhabitants of Egypt, less the Egyptian priestly class, sold their properties and themselves (as slaves) to Joseph for seed. I identify Ankhtifi , a nomar...