What caused the crucifixion darkness & was crucifixion at 9 AM (Mark's gospel) or 12 Noon (John's gospel)?
The crucifixion darkness is an episode in three of the canonical gospels Matthew, Mark , and Luke in which the sky becomes dark in daytime during the crucifixion of Jesus for roughly three hours. It was known that an eclipse was impossible during Passover, for Passover occurs during a full moon whereas a solar eclipse occurs during a new moon. Furthermore, a total solar eclipse provides darkness at one location during totality for a maximum of seven and a half minutes, whereas the gospel texts state that the darkness covered the land for roughly three hours. Unexpected darkening of the sun has been recorded many years before Christ’s crucifixion, so this phenomenon is nothing new. And there were 2 such instances described the following way by the Indian epic the Mahabharata: Book 2: Sabha Parva, section 79 . flashes of lightning appeared in the sky though without clouds and the earth itself began to tremble. And Rahu came to devour the Sun, although it was not the day...